One of the most popular television shows in Sweden is once again looking for Americans of Swedish descent. The deadline is this week to apply for season 6 of "All for Sweden" (Allt for Sverige) - a competition in which the Americans learn about their ancestors and meet current relatives still living in the old country.
James Morgan of Chicago was a contestant last year - his great grandfather immigrated to the US in the 1890's, and settled with other Swedes in the city's Andersonville neighborhood where James still lives today. In fact, he lives in his great grandfathers' house.
But he was the first contestant eliminated when he couldn't turn on an I-pad to memorize a list of Swedish songs entered in the Euro Vision World Music Festival - he admits to being "an old soul who's not good with technology."
Despite that, Morgan loved his ten days in Sweden last summer, learning about his family and their homeland.
And recently he received an email from one of those distant cousins in Sweden - with 19 pages of names and addresses and birthdays.
More information is on the program's website, great swedish adventure dot com.